School Advisory Committee of St. James Catholic School
The St. James School Advisory Committee consists of voting members appointed by the Pastor and Principal. The Pastor and Principal are ex-officio members. The purpose of the School Advisory Committee is to advise and consult the pastor and principal in the governance of the school. The school advisory committee cannot act apart from the pastor and principal and cannot make binding decisions for the parish school without the approval of the pastor.
Duties of the SAC are as follows:
● Promote ministry
● Develop ownership for the school
● Enable the Principal to act as the educational leader
● Provide a parent perspective in a “focus group” setting
Current School Advisory Committee members:
Chairperson-Jennifer Knabe
Vice Chairpersons-
Kristin Homoly
Stephanie MacNeil
Stacy Schuab
Zac Usher
Ex-Officio Members-
Principal-Jennifer Scanlon-Smith
Pastor-Michael Roach
Open meetings are held during the academic year. All school parents are invited to attend these open meetings. Parents wishing to have an item put on the agenda should contact the Principal. Final decisions for all school policies rest with the Pastor and Principal. Implementation of these policies is the duty of the Principal.
Duties of the SAC are as follows:
● Promote ministry
● Develop ownership for the school
● Enable the Principal to act as the educational leader
● Provide a parent perspective in a “focus group” setting
Current School Advisory Committee members:
Chairperson-Jennifer Knabe
Vice Chairpersons-
Kristin Homoly
Stephanie MacNeil
Stacy Schuab
Zac Usher
Ex-Officio Members-
Principal-Jennifer Scanlon-Smith
Pastor-Michael Roach
Open meetings are held during the academic year. All school parents are invited to attend these open meetings. Parents wishing to have an item put on the agenda should contact the Principal. Final decisions for all school policies rest with the Pastor and Principal. Implementation of these policies is the duty of the Principal.